It brings us much sorrow to tell you that we are discontinuing Okianto and removing the download off the website. We have had many complaints about our assistant, harsh criticism, and it has been hurting our motivation. But, we have recently been hit with a takedown notice. So we are no longer hosting Okianto. Please forbid from reuploading Okianto onto any site for our sake. Thank you for supporting us, and Okianto!
Hello! It is quite unfortunate to be discussing this topic, but we have been seeing some rumors pop up about our assistant. Claiming that it is spyware, or scareware because of it's hidden features. These are false! Although, earlier in development, we did have to fix a bleeding issue. If you have seen something strange in our program though, don't be afraid to send it to us! :)
Hello all! We are very proud to announce that Okianto has recently just released! Thanks to all that have beta tested and worked on this with us! You helped contribute to a better future! As for others, we hope you enjoy using our assistant! More info about it can be found on the Download page! If any bugs happen, don't be afraid to send it to us! We'll be updating this with new content and bug fixes whenever we can! Enjoy!