Welcome to my cabin!

I run a local shop down in this random place that I'm not allowed to reveal...

...but I sell some neat items! Here are some examples of items that you can buy from my shop!

Glitter Rock

A incredibly shiny rock that will stun anybody looking at it! I advise for you to not look at it yourself...

This sells for 60 cents.

Energy Drink

I actually have no idea where I got this, but it helps you feel more energized!

This sells for 15 cents.

Shrink & Growth Potion

Stole these from some witch a few years ago; almost forgot I had these! They're pretty self explainatory, the green one makes you shrink and the blue one makes you grow! Useful, I think.

Both of these sell for 1 dollar.

If you're interested in buying any of my wares, make sure to come over! I'm sure we can make some great deals!

Send me your fanmail here!